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GBM #4 Spring 2022 - EV vs Fossil Fuels

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

Click the file above to download and view the slides for our fourth GBM of the semester, discussing alternative energy pros and cons compared to fossil fuels!

Our next meeting will take place on April 5th @ 6:00pm! Stay tuned on our social media and website for more updates.

Also please keep in mind that all leadership positions are currently available for the 2022-2023 school year! We are looking for dedicated students who are passionate about bioethics and will be willing to help the club grow even more. If you have been attending our meetings and enjoy the club, consider leading it next year! Feel free to reach out to us with any interest or questions.

The BioPhiArt award is also open and we are currently accepting submissions. Please check out our website for more info on how to enter! We are offering 3 winners (1 per category) a monetary prize.

Created by: James Conner & Alexandra Tucker


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