Hello all!
Our club has been given free registration for the Florida Bioethics Network conference taking place tomorrow afternoon (beginning at 12:30pm until 4:30pm) VIA ZOOM. There will be a discussion on multiple topics broken up into multiple segments. It is an excellent opportunity to listen in on some professional discourse and learn about some of the topics that our club has actually had meetings on this semester and in the past! For example, there will be a segment discussing clergy in hospitals (a topic some of you might recall from earlier this semester!)
Members, please check your email for the registration link and further information/instructions if interested :)
((I attended this conference last year and I just listened to it like a podcast as I was running errands or driving :) It's not something you have to sit in one spot and watch the screen the entire time! I highly recommend attending at least one segment if you can because it was extremely interesting. ~ Alexandra))